We exist for the spiritual renewal of the church.

We create space for this renewing work of the Spirit through our podcast, the facilitation of spiritual direction, as well as retreats and speaking engagements.


Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an intentional, ongoing relationship in which a trusted director helps a seeker notice where God is already at work in the circumstances of their everyday life.


Retreats & Speaking

We would love to help facilitate your next retreat or speak at your next event. Contact us for more information.


Our podcast is designed to help create space for growth in the midst of your every day, ordinary life. Episodes consist of a blend of short biblical reflections and accessible spiritual exercises that are intended to foster spiritual renewal.


Explore written practices and reflections designed to help you engage your life with God. These resources are a blend of scripted spiritual exercises from our podcast, as well as guides and explanations of practices such as examen and Lectio divina.